Invasion of the Stink Bugs

Invasion of the Stink Bugs


Every season attracts a different kind of pest, and this is the season for stink bugs. These unsightly critters have spots on their shells, and their legs and antennae protrude from their body. They can get into the home through very small holes and openings in the home. They tend to invade in significant numbers, so prevention is the key to a successful stink bug control program. Our professional pest control services are designed to help you keep your home free from these obnoxious pests all winter long.

Basic Pest Control For Stink Bugs

Although our services are comprehensive, we still encourage our clients to follow any preventative precautions they know how to implement. For example, check the screens on your windows, and make sure that you seal any cracks around the windows. Keep areas around the sink and faucets dry as much as possible. Stink bugs will always look for sources of water and food. Always keep your food inside closed containers. Some people also have success using humidifiers and improving the ventilation systems inside of the home.

Always check any items that have been in storage for any length of time. Stink bugs may travel inside luggage containers or even boxes that contain holiday decorations. Since this is the peak of the season for stink bugs, make sure to seal every crack in the home to prevent a smelly guest from arriving unexpectedly. For additional protection, contact our pest control service professionals today. We can help you understand any vulnerabilities your home may contain, and our methods are the product of many years of experience. We can provide you with additional layers of protection and security, so you can enjoy the holidays without a stink bug invasion.

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